Bulletproof Motivation

In Bulletproof Motivation you will learn precisely how to tap into your motivation – such that you find everything becomes easier.

You’ll be healthier, stronger, happier, more confident, wealthier, more successful… All because you know how and when to put in the work.

You’ll learn about the hormones, the physiological changes, and how to hack those processes to go after what you want.

You wake up one morning feeling motivated to take on the day. You start your work or activity with a bang.  You continue to take on each day feeling unstoppable.  The next week comes and you're back to square one. You're in a slump. You can't seem to get yourself to take action.

You procrastinate.

Why is it that some people stay motivated while others lack it?  Having the motivation short-term is one thing, but in order to reach your ultimate goal you need to sustain a level of motivation to endure all the peaks and plateaus.
I've written a guide sharing the strategies and tactics to building sustainable, long-term motivation so you can win at anything.

Let me introduce you to my course: Bulletproof Motivation. You can grab your course here.

Here's what you'll discover in this ebook:

  • How to hack your emotions to “want” the right things
  • How our hierarchy of needs determines what our body tells us to do
  • How you can increase your own motivation many times over
  • How to fit your goals in around a busy schedule or routine
  • How to stay calm and focused during a crisis
  • How to create more spare time even while working tirelessly toward your goals
  • How to stay motivated when things aren’t going well
  • How to become accustomed to discomfort and challenge, so they don’t even leave a mark!
  • And much, much more!

14 Lessons

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Chapter 1 – Why Motivation is Key to Everything

Chapter 2 – Emotions Rule Motivation

Chapter 3 – Hijacking Our Motivation

Chapter 4 - Visualization

Chapter 5 – The Energy Problem

Chapter 6 – Train Like a Navy Seal

Chapter 7 – Correct Goal Setting

Chapter 8 – All Work and No Play


Bonus 1: Checklist

Bonus 2: Cheat Sheet

Bonus 3: Mindmap
